measurement of performance and pressure drop of EGR which is placed in exhaust system of cars.
Customer: Hanon Systems Autopal s.r.o.
Condenser Calorimeter
measurement of performance and pressure drop of condensers in A/C system of cars with R134a,R1234yf, CO2 refrigerants and its combinations with air or glycol cooling circuit.
Customer: Hanon Systems Autopal s.r.o.
Calorimeter for fin elements efficiency measurements
measurement of performance and pressure drop of prototype heat exchanger between ethylene glycol coolant and air side for evaluation of fin elements design.
Customer: CZ – Ostrava University.
TOC and CAAC Calorimeters
Test rig for heat exchanger performance measurement at specified and controled conditions.The combination of working fluid is oil/glycol and air/pressure air.